Saturday, June 11, 2011

Book Recommendation

I just wanted to point out that book, "Inner Christianity" as an excellent resource for esoteric Christians and Gnostics.  I have read it many times.

Seeker Nation

Since I left my church I have been trying to figure out what might be next in my spiritual life. I think I might now be closer to finding something else that could work.
During the last two weeks I've been down with bronchitis, and so I've had to stay put at home.  A friend gives me magazines, some of which have to do with Eastern religious traditions.  Usually I just give away the Buddhist magazines, but because I had the spare time I decided to read them.  The magazines were "Tricycle" and "Shambala Sun."  It used to be that Buddhism didn't interest me at all.  I thought I needed "bhakti," a passionate surrender, to God.  Now that I'm older I don't seem to have that fire.  I'd rather do the work of becoming closer to God by myself, actually!   Buddhist tradition focuses on serious spiritual practice, something that was missing in my church.  I want to refine my soul, and Buddhism has some good tools for that, definitely!
Since I live in a suburb of Portland, Oregon, which is not known for being very advanced culturally (Portland wags have dubbed the area "Clarktucky"),  I wasn't surprised that there were no Buddhist centers here.  Next week I am going to go to a newcomer group at a Tibetan Buddhist center over in north Portland, not too far from me.  I am hopeful and excited about this new adventure.
Wish me luck as I explore the "Dharma."

About Me

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Vancouver, Washington, United States
Spiritual seeker, artist, writer, esthetician, dream facilitator and all around strange duck